Mình cũng hay đưa bạn Sâu đi săn tây vào những lúc nhiều năng lượng (vì xác định là rất mệt), muốn chia sẻ một chút kinh nghiệm bản thân về kỹ năng này cho những ai quan tâm. 

❤️- Săn Tây - Tây là ai - trước hết là người lạ bình thường không nói tiếng Việt. Muốn con có thể tự tin bắt chuyện, chào hỏi thì việc đầu tiên là nên cho con biết cách, hoà nhập, bắt chuyện với người la, kỹ năng làm quen ban đầu. Nếu chưa thể mạnh dạn bước lên nói câu chào hỏi với một người lạ thì việc đi săn Tây để học tiếng Anh không khác gì cực hình cho tâm lý của con. Quá khó và có thể sẽ thất bại ngay bước đầu. 

❤️- Đi theo nhóm đông, nhóm nhỏ lẻ, hay đi 1 mình. Đi nhóm nhỏ lẻ 2-3 người hoặc đi 1 mình sẽ mang lại hiệu quả hơn. Họ đến VN để du lịch chứ không đến đây để nói tiếng Anh với chúng ta. Họ không có nhiều thời gian nên việc đi theo nhóm đông sẽ dan trải câu hỏi và không có sự tập trung, khai thác được cuộc nói chuyện. Mà chỉ dừng lại ở những câu hỏi xã giao là hết vòng. 

❤️- Thời điểm tốt nhất để tiếp cận họ là giờ nghỉ trưa , từ 11g, 12g, 13g. Họ ngồi nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn sau quãng đường tham quan, đơn giản họ sẽ có thời gian nghe và trò chuyện với chúng ta nhiều hơn, và nên chọn những người ngồi, chứ không nên vừa đi vừa nói, cuộc nói chuyện sẽ mất đi nhiều cơ hội gây ấn tượng vì hỏi không thể đứng và đi và vừa nói chuyện với chung ta. 

❤️- Nội dung cuộc nói chuyện tất nhiên nên có sư chuẩn bị. Cả về những câu hỏi xã giao về đất nước, con người, thời tiết, món ăn, cảm nhận của họ về VN. Sau màn chào hỏi nên hướng cuộc nói chuyện đến 1 chủ đề nào đó màminh đang khai thác, muốn tìm hiểu. Đó chắc chăn phải là đề tài mà con có chút hiểu biết nhất định. Để gây ấn tượng ban đầu về vốn tiếng Anh của mình đối vs họ. Về sau, việc phát triển những chủ đề liên quan họ sẽ là người giúp chúng ta. 

❤️- Một chủ đề khá lôi cuốn đối với họ đó là về địa danh nổi tiếng, con người, đất nước của họ mà chúng ta am hiểu. Nếu có thể ghi điểm về sự hiểu biết nền văn hoá đất nước họ, thì chắc chắn họ sẽ muốn nhớ mãi về bạn thôi. 

❤️ P/s: Mọi kỹ năng không tự nhiên mà có, nó cần được mài giũa và kiên trì. Có rất nhiều điều vẫn còn đang ấp ủ, còn dang dở cần thêm nhiều năng lượng nữa mới có thể bồi đắp dần dần. 

Hy vọng chút chia sẻ của mình có ích cho các ban! Rất mong những cao nhân, tiền bối cho mình và các bạn thêm nhiều ý tưởng

❤️ Mình chia sẻ những câu giao tiếp ban đầu. Chúng ta có thể bắt đầu cuộc hành trình từ đây! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

1. What is your name? (Tên bạn là gì?)

2. Where are you from? (Bạn từ đâu đến?)

3. Where do you live? (Bạn sống ở đâu?)

4. What do you do? (Bạn làm nghề gì?)

5. What do you like doing in your free time?/ What are your hobbies? (Bạn thích làm gì vào thời gian rảnh rỗi/ sở thích của bạn là gì?)

6. How do you feel about the weather in Vietnam? (Bạn cảm thấy thời tiết ở Việt Nam như thế nào?

7. What is the season in your country now? (Hiện tại đang là mùa gì ở nước bạn?)

8. What is your favorite season? (Bạn yêu thích mùa nào?)

9. How long have you been in Vietnam? (Bạn đến Việt Nam lâu chưa?)

10. How many places have you visited in Vietnam? (Bạn đã đến những địa danh nào ở Việt Nam?)

11. Is this the first time you have come Viet Nam?

12. How long will you stay here, in Viet Nam?

13. How many countries have you been?/ How many countries have you traveled to? (Bạn du lịch tới bao nhiêu nước rồi?

14. Are you on your holiday or business? (Bạn đang đi du lịch hay công tác?)

15. You travel alone or with your friends? (Bạn đi một mình hay đi cùng bạn bè?)

16. Do you try Vietnamese food? Is it delicious? (Bạn đã thử thức ăn Việt chưa? Có ngon không?)

17. How do you think about Vietnam and Vietnamese people? (Bạn có suy nghĩ gì về Vietnam và con người Việt Nam?)

18. What about traffic here? (Vậy còn giao thông ở đây thì sao?

19. What are your hobbies? (Sở thích của bạn là gì?)

20. Do you like travelling? (Bạn có thích đi du lịch không?

21. Do you like listening to music? (Bạn thích nghe nhạc không?

22. What is your favorite singer or band? (Ca sĩ hay ban nhạc yêu thích của bạn là gì?

23. Do you do exercises in the morning? (Bạn có tập thể dục vào buổi sáng không?

24. Do you like sports? (Bạn có thích thể thao không?) …

25. Where did you grow up?

26. Do you have any pets?

27. What did you do this past weekend?

28. What are your plans for this weekend?

29. What do you like to do in your spare time?

30. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

31. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

32. What is your favorite holiday?

33. What is your favorite day of the week?

34. What do you like to do to relax?

35. Are you a saver or a spender?

36. Do you play any instruments?

37. What was your favorite book?

38. What is your first childhood memory?

39. What is one thing you miss about being a kid?

40. What did you want to grow up to be when you were younger? (for tourist)

41. School/Work Topics

o Where did (do) you go to school?

o What is your favorite subject?

o What's the first thing you do after school/work?

o What do you do for a living?

o What is your dream job?

o If you had $10 million, would you still be working/going to 0073chool?

o What was your least favorite job that you've ever had?

o What is something that you have gotten in trouble for at school/work?


42. Questions About Themself (Introduce about yourself)

o How old are you?

o When is your birthday?

o What did you do for last birthday?

o If you could have the perfect birthday party, what would it be?

o What is your favorite food?

o What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

o What is your favorite kind of candy?

o What is your favorite color?

o What is your favorite animal?

o What is your favorite time of the year?

o Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated?

o Do you have to share your bedroom with anyone?

o If you could receive one thing in the whole world as a present right now, what would it be?

o What do you want to be when you get older?  Why?

o What is the silliest thing you have ever said or done?

o What is one thing you don’t know how to do that you wish you did?

43.  Questions About Their Family

o How many brothers and sisters do you have?

o Are your brothers and sisters older or younger?

o What are their names?

o How do you like being a big/litter sister/brother?

o What are your parents’ names?

o Where does your Dad work / what does your dad do for a job?

o Where does your Mom work / what does your dad do for a job?

o What is your favorite thing to do as a family?

o Do you have any pets?

o What kind of pets?

o What are the names of your pets?

o Why I love my mom and dad

o Funny things my parents say

o Let me tell you about my imaginary friend

o Things that really happen at grandma’s house when mom and dad aren’t there

o Secrets my mom does all day when I’m not around

o What my brother/sister thinks of me

o If I had a choice between getting money or spending time with my family, I would choose…

o What did I do for my mom last mother’s day

o Let me tell you about my family

o My family’s traditions


44. Personal

◦ How old are you?

◦ When is your birthday?

◦ Do you have any brothers or       sisters?

◦ Do you have any pets?

◦ Who is your best friend?

◦ Do you play a musical       instrument?

◦ What is your favorite color?

45. School (for tourist)

◦ What grade are you in?

◦ What school do you go to?

◦ What is your favorite subject       at school? Why?

◦ What is your least favorite       subject at school? Why?

◦ What do you do during recess?

◦ Do you ride the bus to school?

◦ What is your teacher's name?

◦ How much homework do you get       each day?

◦ What did you learn in school       today?

46. Questions About Their Activities

◦ What do you like to do for       fun?

◦ Do you play sports? Which       ones?

◦ What is your favorite position       to play?

◦ Does your team have a name?

◦ What is your favorite thing to       do on the weekend?

◦ Do you prefer to spend your       time inside or outside?

◦ Do you like to draw?        What kinds of things do you draw?

◦ What do you do when you get       home from school?

◦ Do you like to do       puzzles?  What about word puzzles?  …number puzzles?

◦ Does your family go on a       vacation each year?

◦ Where does your family go on       vacation?

◦ Where is the most exciting       place you have been in the past year?

◦ Do you have a bike?  What       does it look like?

47. Favorites

◦ What       is your favorite song?

◦ What is your favorite season       of the year?

◦ Can you tell me 5 of your       favorite words

◦ Do you know Top favorite       Christmas song of all times?

◦ Can you tell me 3 favorite       things to buy at the market

◦ If I went to your favorite       restaurant what would you order?

◦ What is your favorite place to       visit?

◦ Can you tell me your favorite       thing about summer

◦ Can you tell me about       your New Year’s tradition in your       country.

48. Questions About School (for tourist)

◦ Where do you go to school?

◦ What grade are you in?

◦ Do you like the grade you are       in more or less than last year?

◦ Do you ride the bus to school?

◦ What is your teacher’s name?

◦ What is your favorite thing to       study at school?

◦ What are you studying in       school right now in math? …language arts? ..science? ..etc?

◦ What is your least favorite       thing to study?

◦ Do you have lots of homework       to do each night?

◦ Who is your best friend?

◦ What do you like to play at       recess?

◦ Do you ever stay home from       school sick?

◦ When was the last time you       stayed home?


49.  Questions About Cultural Things

◦ What is your favorite TV show?

◦ Why do you like it?

◦ What is your favorite movie?

◦ What was the last movie you       saw?

◦ Did you like it or not, and       why?

◦ What is the best toy that you       have?

◦ Do you like to read?

◦ What is your favorite book?

◦ What is your favorite computer       game?

◦ Do you like to play video       games?

◦ What kind of video game system       do you have?

◦ What is your favorite game to       ply on the Wii, Xbox, etc?

◦ Do you have a portable game       system like a PSP or DS?  Which one?

◦ Do you like to go out to eat?

◦ What is your favorite place to       eat?

◦ Who has the best kids’ meal       toys right now?

◦ What kind of music do you       like?

◦ What is your favorite song?

◦ Do you like to dance?

◦ Do you know how to play any       instruments?  Which one(s)?

50. What do you think about traffic in Viet Nam?

51.  Can you tell me something about your traffic in your country? Is it different with my country?

52.  What is the major mean of transport (phuong tien giao thong) in your country?

53.  How many seasons in your country?

54.  What is the lowest and highest degree celsius (nhiệt độ) in winter and summer in your country?

55. What is your favourite season? And why


56. Food

◦ What did you have for lunch?

◦ What is your favorite food?

◦ What is your favorite candy?

◦ What is your favorite ice       cream flavor?

◦ What is your favorite pizza       topping?

57. Entertainment

◦ What is your favorite book?

◦ What is your favorite toy?

◦ Do you play any sports?

◦ What is your favorite TV show?

◦ What is your favorite cartoon?

◦ What is your favorite movie?

◦ What kind of music do you like       to listen to?

◦ Do you like to play video       games?

◦ Who is your favorite superhero?

58. Misc

◦ What do you do on the       weekends?

◦ What do you want to be when       you grow up?

◦ What is the one thing you       can't live without?

◦ If you had three wishes, what       would they be?

◦ What do you do after school?

◦ If you could have a super       power, what would it be? Why?

◦ Describe your perfect day.

◦ If you could go on vacation       anywhere in the world, where would you go?

◦ If you won $100, what would       you do with it?

59. Cách giới thiệu các món ăn việt Nam

o Have you ever tried Vietnames food?

o No, I haven’t. Can you introduce some traditional food in Vietnam?

o Yes, you should try Bún chả, nem (Spring roll), Phở, (beef noddle soup or chicken noddle soup)

60. Pls. let me introduce for you some places in Ha Noi where you should visit

o Old quarter: There are various kind of goods and services in old quarter

o Hoàn kiếm lake, West lake, Lê Nin Park

o Ho Chi Minh museum and Ho chi minh mosoleum (bảo tàng HCM và lăng bác). Hồ Chí Minh was the first of president of Việt Nam. He was a hero of Vietnamese.

o One pillar pagoda (chùa một cột)

o Temple of literature (văn miếu quốc từ giám). That is the first university in Việt Nam.

o Hà Nội opera house (nhà hát lớn). Ha Nội opera house is located in august revolution square (quảng trường tháng 😎. It takes you only 5 minutes from here, hoàn kiếm lake.

I. Giới thiệu về Hồ Gươm

1.  Have you ever been to Hoan Kiem lake before?

2. Do you know what it means?

3. It means “lake of the returned sword”

4. The name of the lake is related to a legend

5. But first I would like to show you what there are here

6. Do you see the little tower on the island in the middle of the lake over there?

7. It is called turtle tower

8. Do you see the red bridge?

9. It is called The Huc bridge

10. It leads to Ngoc son temple

11. Ngoc Son means pearl mountain

12. It is a very scared place (một nơi tôn nghiêm)

13. Near the bridge, there is another tower, which is call Thap but or pen tower

14. It related to 18 centery, in the le dynasty (thời lê)

15. The Minh or Chinese invaded (xâm luoc) viet nam

16. The king ly thai to was given a precious sword by the golden turtle god

17. After 10 years of continuous struggling

18. The king defeated the Chinese

19. After that, on a nice day

20. While boating on the lake, a large turtle came up to him

21. The turtle immediately grabbed (ngậm) the sword and submerged (chìm xuống)

22. He relize the god must have lent him the sword to fight againt the enemy (kẻ thù)

23. And then the nation was free, he must return the sword

24. After that, the king named the lake hoan kiem lake or lake of the returned sword

II. Giới thiệu về TÊT HOLIDAY (Lunar New year)

1. Lunar New year is the largest festival of Vietnamese traditional festivals.

2. Lunar New year is the most important occasion in Vietnamese culture.

3. The full name of lunar new year is called “tết nguyên đán”

4. Because lunar new year is the calendar following the cycle of the moon.

5. So, the lunar new year is later than the new year (around 1 monthe)

6. Têt Holiday originated from china. Because Vietnam is dominated by china 1000 years.

7. To welcome a new year, people often clean, sweep, paint and decorate their house.

8. In tet holiday, we often visit our relative, friends, teachers. Sometime, it is a chance for people travel in viet nam and in abroad.

9. In tet holiday, adult often give children and old people lucky money in a red envelope to wish children eat more and grow up faster, obedience and study well. And the old people will live longer and healthy.

10. We often have Chưng cake (or square cake) in tet holiday. It is our traditional food in Viet Nam.

III. Giới thiệu về nhà hát lớn

1. Do you know about Ha noi opera house in Viet Nam?

2. I will introduce to you something about Hanoi opera house

3. Ha noi opera house is located in august revolution square

4. It takes about 5 miuntes to go there from Hoan kiem lake by walking.

5. The opera house was constructed in ten years from 1901 to 1911 by the French

6. Therefore, it has French style architecture

7. In the past, the opera house hosted events for French official and wealthy Vietnamese.

8. Now it often takes place national and international events of some shows of famous Vietnamese singers.

9. If you have time, you should go there to visit ha noi opera house, one time

10. And on the way to Hanoi opera house, you have to go through tràng tiền street

11. You can try very famous ice – cream, there. It is called tràng tiền ice – cream. It is cheap (about 7000 to 10.000 thousand) but very delicious.

IV. Giới thiệu về OLD QUARTER (phố cổ)

1. I would like to introduce you about old quarter

2. Old quarter is located in Hoàn kiếm district

3. It is about 2000 years

4. The area is also called “36 streets”

5. Most of the streets were named after the goods that used to be sold there (for example, hàng đường means sugar street, and all the shop sell suger there, hàng bạc mean silve street, they sell silve….

6. There are many activities in old quarter and many places where you should visit, such as, cathedral (nhà thờ lớn), đồng xuân market, night market

7. From 7pm on Friday to Sunday evening, all mean of transport (phương tiện giao thông) cannot be entered the area around hoàn kiếm lake and some street of old quarter.

8. People only go for a walk there.

9. You can find many places to try Vietnamese food.

10. The food there is good with reasonable price (giá cả hợp lý)

11. Especially, you should come to some coffee shops around old quarter. For example you can try egg coffee. It is very change but delicious.

12. Hopefully, you can enjoy the time in old quarter and discovery many traditional foods and goods there.

V. Giới thiệu về phố đi bộ (WALKING STREET)

1. If you visit Hoan kiem lake, you should know about walking street around Hoan Kiem lake.

2. The idea of “ walking street” have been effective since 1/9/2016

3. So, on the weekend, from 19pm on Friday to 24 pm on Sunday, all street around Hoan kiem lake are closed. People only go for a walk there.

4. There are many activities that happen there, for example people can listen to traditional music.

5. You can see and play many traditional folk games (trò chơi dân gian truyền thống) in the road. And of course, it is free. Everybody can take part in, for example bamboo dancing (nhảy sạp), rope jumping.

6. The artist can draw pictures in the pavement.

7. So it makes you feel closer to everybody.

8. In the morning, if you get up early and go to Hoan Kiem lake, you can see many people do morning exercise, run around HK lake.

9. The atmosphere is very fresh.

 1. What is your name? My name is...
 2. How old are you? I’m ....years old.
 3. When is your birthday?
 - My birthday is on 26th of May
 4. What grade are you in? I am in grade... (4th, 5th...)
 5. What is the name of your school? 
 - I study at ...... primary school (trường tiểu học)
 - I study at..... secondary school (trường THCS)
 6. Where do you live?
 - I live in Hanoi
 - I live in Bà triệu street
 7. Is it far from Hoàn Kiếm lake? (is it far from here?)
 - It takes 15 minutes to come here
 8. What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is.....
 9. What do you do in your free time? 
 - I like reading book/
 - I like going shopping/ 
 - I like listenning to music/
 - I like watching TV/
 - I like playing football
 10. What is your favourite food? I like piza/ noodle/ ice cream.....
 11. How do you go to school?
 - I go to school by bus/ bicycle.../
 - My mother takes me to school by motobike....
 12. Can you introduce to me some places to visit in hanoi? You can visit:
 - Temple of literature (văn miếu quốc tử giám)/ 
 - Ho Chi Minh museum (bảo tàng hồ chí minh)/ 
 - Ho Chi Minh mausoleum (lăng bác)/ 
 - One pillar pagoda (chùa một cột)/
 - Hanoi flag tower (cột cờ hà nội) 
 - Lê Nin park (công viên lê nin)/
 - west lake (hồ tây)
 13. Can you introduce to me some vietnamese food? You can try:
 - Nem: Spingrolls (nem)
 - Phở bò: Beef rice noodles/
 - Phở gà chicken rice noodles
 - Chả cá: Grilled fish
 - Bánh mì: bread
 - Bánh cuốn: stuffed pancake
 - Bánh tôm: shrimp in batter
 - Bún chả: Kebab rice noodles
 - Xôi: Steamed sticky rice
 - Cơm trắng: steamed rice
 14. How many seasons are there in your country?
 - There are four seasons. They are winter, summer, spring, autumn
 15. What is your favourite season? My favourite season is spring/ summer...
 16. Do you have any brother or sister?
 - Yes i do. I have 1 (2...) 
 o Older brother: anh trai
 o Older sister: Chị gái
 o Younger brother: em trai
 o Younger sister: em gái
 - No i don’t. i am alone
 17. Do you live with your parents? Yes, I live with my parents
 18. How long have you studied English? I have studied english for 4 (5...) years
 19. What is your favourite subject? I like math/ english/ art/ basket ball/ football/ literature
 20. Have you ever been in another country? No, i haven’t or yes i have been in Malaysia....
 21. What country would you like to go to? I would like to go to America.....
 22. What do you want to be when you get older? I want to be a teacher....
 23. Do you have a pet at home? Yes, i have a cat/ dog....
 24. What is the name of pet? Its name is hello kitty....
 25. What does your parent do? My mother is a nurse.... My father is a manager....
 26. Do you like music?
 - Yes i do/ no i don’t
 27. Do you have to go to school everyday?
 I go to school from monday to friday. I don’t have to go to school at the weedken
 28. Do you have summer holiday or winter holiday?
 - We have summer holiday
 29. How long are you off on summer holiday?
 Nomally, we have 3 months off for summer holiday. They are from jun to august. 
 30. What kind of music do you like? I like...
 - classical: nhạc cổ điển
 - country: nhạc đồng quê
 - dance: nhạc nhảy
 - folk: nhạc dân ca
 - hip hop: nhạc hip hop
 - jazz: nhạc jazz
 - Latin: nhạc Latin
 - opera: nhạc opera
 - pop: nhạc pop
 - rap: nhạc rap
 - rock: nhạc rock
 - techno: nhạc khiêu vũ


1. Cách nói về sở thích:

o What do you like? What is your favourite food?

o I like …..

2. Cách nói về phương tiện đi lại

o How do you go to school?

o I go by bus/ motorbike hoặc

o My mother takes me to my school

3. Cách nói về nơi ở

o Where do you live?

o I live in Hà Nội or I live in Number 8 alley 41, Tô Hoàng Lane, Bạch Mai street, HN (City: Thành phố; Street: phố; district: quận, huyện, Lane: Ngõ; Alley: hẻm

4. Cách nói về ngày sinh nhật

o What is your birthday?

o My birthday is on 4th of Jun

5. Cách nói về thời tiết:

o What is the weather like in your country now?

o It is cold/ hot

6. Cách nói về anh chị em trong gia đình:

o Do you have any brother or sister?

o Yes, I have 1 older brother and 1 younger sister.

*****Để con có được kỹ năng nghe nói và có bản lĩnh giao tiếp tiếng anh như trẻ bản ngữ ba mẹ cần đồng hành theo phương pháp Đồng hành thấu hiểu con giúp con song ngữ 5SE-5SS. Ai chưa biết cách comment xuống đây tôi giúp bạn nhé
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video: Xin chào 2022 tuyệt vời

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